
Multiply to Save the Castle

So you want to race?  Each tire costs $200.  Get enough answers right and bolt on the tires.
Practice your multiplication tables.  You can even select which numbers you'd like to do!

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.  Answer the questions to wash the cars! 

Keep your customers happy by scooping up the right answer.

Select the numbers you'd like to practice.  Type in your answer when the card comes up!

Read the number at the top of the page.  Match the Multiplication Sentence or the Moles will laugh at you.  (There's nothing worse than those annoying rodents).

Launch the Knight into the castle by selecting the correct answer.  Be careful!  You don't want to dent that shinning armor.

Are You A Math Magician?
Find the answer to the multiplication questions and reveal the mystery picture.

Blast away the meteors before the time runs out.

Is that your final answer?  See how much money you can earn from knowing how to multiply.

Use this site to double check your multiplication times tables. 

Just like BINGO.  Be the first to find the answers that make a straight row!

Try out some two digit multiplication.  The Calculator Crew will help you work out the problem step by step.