Money Talks!

Learning about Money:
Here are some activities designed to introduce you to using money.

Give out the correct change for the following purchases.

Can you find the right amount of change for these purchases?  Click on the level of difficulty and then the Canadian flag.  You'll be adding up change in no time!

How much do your parents know about Canadian Money?  Have them take this quiz and see if they can beat Mr. Grafton ( I had 6 out of 15 right!  Yikes!!)

Making Money:
Ever wanted to make a few bucks?  Here are some ideas for kids.

Thinking of setting up your own business this summer?  Why not try out this activity to see what it might be like to manage some extra money.

Don't know how to earn extra money?  Here's a great list of ways that kids your age are raking in the big bucks!  You can also add your own ideas to the list, too!

How to Use Money:
Here are a few tips on what we use money for.

Can you save enough money to buy something you've always wanted?  Budget your bucks and follow your shopping list!

CIBC teaches kids about the importance of saving money.

Balance out your expenses with your income to keep your car on the road!

Smart Money Quiz Show  (A great one for Mom and Dad!)  
Ever wonder why grown ups get into debt?  A lot of times it because of poor spending habits.  But don't worry, there is hope.  Check out this quiz show and learn about all the ways to get out of debt! 

Don't fumble your funds!  Try this game out and show us a superbowl full of bucks!